Tag: Brexit

Brexit – Remember the Results

I’m making this post as the referendum details keeps being questioned in various discussions. Also to preserve the facts in case they disappear off the BBC website. Most of the facts are thanks to the BBC website: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/politics/eu_referendum/results Based on that I did a few additional calculations…but all facts! Result Electorate Electorate: 46,501,241 (100%) Turnout:  […]

EU – Economy

This is part of the EU Fact File Verdict: OUT – EU growth seems to be stalling compared to the UK and other developed countries. The reason is hard to explain – but it could be due to the EURO and over-regulation? However should we in the UK wait and see why and if the […]

EU – Business

This is part of the EU Fact File Verdict: OUT – The EU rules are very complicated and favours mainly large companies and penalises SME’s due to complexity. Large businesses are able to move their facilities to Eastern Europe to save on salaries and other costs as proven below. Government procurement seems to be overly […]

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